We all love Jenkins. It’s flexible, scalable, has unbelievable community support (more than 1010 plugins available) and is very easy to get started with. No wonder Jenkins is the CI/CD server used in at least 70% of IT and R&D organisations around the globe. Once you start using Jenkins you quickly get hooked. It’s so easy to automate any development or system task, add a button and let your users push it whenever needed. And your Jenkins instance begins to grow. Very soon you have views, nested views, pipeline views, dozens of plugins for every little thing, jobs for dev, jobs for QA, jobs for project managers, an ever growing bunch of slave nodes, you name it.Everyone in the organisation is using Jenkins, everyone falls in love with it as much as you originally did. But then the day comes and your Jenkins that was so lively and fast when you installed it and ran…

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