Konstantin Klevensky to partner with Otomato
Konstantin Klevensky joins Otomato
How Service Meshes May Save Continuous Delivery
The Truth
There is a truth about continuous delivery that gets lost behind all the buzz. And the truth is that it is a lot like sex when you’re a teen – everybody talks about it, everybody thinks about it, everybody is preparing for it, but very few actually do it.
The True Capacity of Your Engineering Team
How to Avoid Burnout and Overload by Correctly Measuring Your Engineering Team Capacity
A Deeper Look at Cargo
A deeper look at Cargo – the package manager and build automation tool for Rust
The Simple Rule of Day-2 Automation
This simple rule will make your engineering team up to 30% percent happier.
Dumb Services in Smart Nets
I’m happy to announce that I’ll be speaking about service meshes and demoing Istio usage for smart deployment techniques at https://devoops.ru/ in St.Petersburg, Russia – the city I was born and grew up in! The conference will take place on 14.10.2018 and will feature such great speakers as John Willis and Liz Rice among others. And here’s the link to the talk.
DevOps for Blockchain Systems
Blockchain has become the enfant terrible of the tech world. As any conceptually new tech it poses more questions than it provides answers. But the buzz around it is more than justified. Beside the crypto-gold rush that’s definitely been the main hype-driver, this is a technology that provides a promise of a different, decentralized future. A promise of distributed, global trust based on science and technology — not on military force, geographical proximity or national identity. It remains to be proven if such trust is possible, but if it is — world economy is up for a total paradigm shift.
Understanding Feedback Loops in DevOps
Icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY Today I want to talk about what is probably the most misunderstood concept in DevOps terminology : the feedback loops. As defined originally in “The Phoenix Project” and further detailed in “The DevOps Handbook” – amplifying feedback loops is “the second way of DevOps”. Gene Kim explains in this post that “The Second Way is about creating the right to left feedback loops. The goal of almost any process improvement initiative is to shorten and amplify feedback loops so necessary corrections can be continually made.” Process improvement is exactly what I’ve been doing for the last decade of my career. And what I’ve noticed is that whenever I start talking to teams about feedback loops I get 4 types of misunderstanding: Alert and notification systems are mistaken for feedback loops The importance of feedback loops is completely…
Speed or Quality? What is more important? Lessons from Japan.
We Don’t Do DevOps. In most of my encounters with new customers I take the time to explain that I don’t “do DevOps”. Yes, DevOps a convenient name tag. It provides an easy to present packaging that has been feeding me and my colleagues well for the last 5+ years. On the other hand – it definitely looks like the original meaning of the word (as originally coined by Patrick Debois) is continuously eroding. More and more folks in the industry are using it to refer to modern practices of system administration. Those that involve cloud, automation and – in the best case – also continuous delivery. That’s why I almost never relate to what I’m doing as ‘DevOps’. I rather use the term “Software Delivery Optimization”. We’re optimizing the time it takes to deliver software and the quality of the resulting product. By applying systemic analysis. By measuring and…
DevOps Transformation Plan
A few customers have been asking us for a simple, visual, down-to-earth plan for their DevOps Transformation process. We’ve created this infographic. Feel free to share and comment!