Use Git (with Github, Gitlab or BitBucket) for Effective Communication

Here’s a situation I’ve encountered numerous times:

We’re interviewing an engineering candidate. Say they’ve finished a course, a bootcamp or even worked for 1-2 years. I give them a home assignment to check their coding abilities. Now – we always ask to submit the assignments as Github pull requests – this both makes it easier to review and provides a simulation of an actual collaborative workflow.

They submit their work – and that’s when I suddenly realize – they don’t know how to work with git!!!

I’ve stumbled upon this time after time, and finally decided it’s time to summarize my expectations in a post.

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Jenkins git-scm plugin provides support for various git repo browser applications, but the wonderful gitlist isn’t one of them… Still I found you can fool Jenkins into using gitlist as your repository browser. (We’ve been using gitlist on one of the ALM environments I manage and gitLab on another one. At some stage I noticed that gitLab‘s commit url is build exactly the same as a commit url in gitlistĀ  : <gitlist_url>/<repo-name>.git/commit/<commit_hash> vs. <gitlab_url>/<repo_name(without .git extension)>/commit/<commit_hash>. Actually what jenkins git plugin does when constructing the repository browser link for gitlab is add the ‘commit/<commit_hash>’ on top of gitlab project url. And it works perfectly fine for gitlist too!) To use gitlist as your git repo browser in Jenkins: in git plugin define the following: Repository browser : gitlab URL: <your gitlist url (repo name with .git)> (eg: http://gitserver/gitlist/myRepo.git) Version: 5.4 Now for every commit in the changes list on build…

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