How Service Meshes May Save Continuous Delivery

The Truth
There is a truth about continuous delivery that gets lost behind all the buzz. And the truth is that it is a lot like sex when you’re a teen – everybody talks about it, everybody thinks about it, everybody is preparing for it, but very few actually do it.
Continuous Lifecycle London 2017
Last week I had the honour to speak about ChatOps at Continuous Lifecycle conference in London. The conference is organised by The Register and heise Developer and is dedicated to all things DevOps and Continuous Software Delivery. There were 2 days of talks and one day of workshops. Regretfully I couldn’t attend the last day, but I heard some of the workshops were really great. The Venue The venue was great! Situated right in the historical centre of London city, a few steps away from Big Ben, the QEII Center has a breathtaking view and a lot of space. The talks took place in 3 rooms : one large auditorium and 2 — smaller ones. It is quite hard to predict which talks will attract the most audience and it was hit and miss this time around too. Some talks were over-crowded while others felt a bit empty. Between the talks everybody gathered…
CI/CD for Microservices – Challenges and Best Practices
Introduction: Microservice Software Architecture is a software system architecture pattern whereas an application or a system is composed of a number of smaller interconnected services. This is in opposite to the previously popular monolith architectures in which, even if having a logically modular, component-based structure the application is packaged and deployed as a monolith. The Microservice architectural pattern while having many benefits (which we’ll briefly outline in the following paragraph) also presents new challenges all along our software delivery pipeline. This whitepaper strives to map out these challenges and define the best practices for tackling them to ensure a streamlined and quality-oriented delivery process. Microservice Architecture Benefits: Smaller Application Footprint (per Service) The ‘Micro’ notion of the concept has been getting some justified critic – as it’s not really about the size of the codebase, but more about correct logical separation of concerns. Still once we do split our existing…
Jenkins and the Future of Software Delivery
Are you optimistic when you look into the future and try to see what it brings? Do you believe in robot apocalypse or the utopia of singularity? Do you think the world will change to the better or to the worse? Or are you just too busy fixing bugs in production and making sure all your systems are running smoothly? Ant Weiss of Otomato describing the bright future of software delivery at Jenkins User Conference Israel 2016.
How OpenStack is Built – the Video now Online
Watch Ant Weiss of Otomato provide an overview of the OpenStack CI – probably one of the most advanced Jenkins-based CI infrastructures in the world.
Openstack CI infrastructure Overview
Openstack is one of the largest OSS projects today with hundreds of commits flowing in daily. This high rate of change requires an advanced CI infrastructure. The purpose of the talk is to provide an overview of this infrastructure, explaining the role of each tool and the pipelines along which changes have to travel before they find their way into the approved Openstack codebase. Talk delivered by Anton Weiss at Openstack Day Israel 2016 :!agenda/cjg9