my immutable infrastructure ignite – the references

my immutable infrastructure ignite – the references

DevOpsDays Tel-Aviv happened a couple of weeks ago. This was my  first ever attempt at doing an ignite talk. Preparing and  delivering it was both challenging and a lot of fun. The subject of the talk was Immutable Infrastructure and while there’s no point in posting the slides on their own (the main point in ignite is saying things and not showing slides) – there are a few links that I used when preparing for this talk and would now like to share with you. This is also important as there was no time for the references slide at the talk itself – so here are the references:

Chad Fowler of course:

Florian Motlik of Codeship:

Boxfuse blog:

This O’reilly article by Josh Stella:

And this interview with 6 experts from HighOps: