DevOps Flow Metrics –

DevOps Flow Metrics –


DevOps transformation goals can be defined as:

  • Heightened Release Agility
  • Improved Software Quality

Or simply:

Delivering Better Software Faster

Therefore measurable DevOps success criteria would be:

  • Being able to release versions faster and more often.
  • Having less defects and failures.

Measurement is one of the cornerstones of DevOps. But how do we measure flow?

In order to track the flow (the amount of change getting pushed through our pipeline in a given unit of time) we’ve developed the 12 DevOps Flow Metrics.

They are based on our industry experience and ideas from other DevOps practitioners and are a result of 10 years of implementing DevOps and CI/CD in large organisations.

The metrics were initially publicly presented by Anton Weiss at a DevOpsDays TLV 2016 ignite talk. The talk got a lot of people interested and that’s why we decided to share the metrics with the community.

We’ve created a github pages based minisite where everyone can learn about the metrics, download the presentation and submit comments and pull requests.

Looking forward to your feedback!

Get the metrics here :